Thursday, December 9, 2010

A Letter To The Bride

How I have longed to be near you. So many times have I pleaded with my Father to let me come to you, to take you up and bring you home with me. My chamber awaits and all the joy that comes with it (Mt. 25:21).

But I have heard from my messenger. He has been looking in on you on occasion, to see how you are doing. How shocked I was to find your beauty diminishing! Yes, it is true that some beauty does diminish with age, but the beauty I sought, the beauty you shone with, is eternal. And at this time your beauty is so diminished that it may have well nigh disappeared! You have eaten delicate foods and drunk dry wines. You are fat with the gifts of those who love you. But know, I am not speaking of your appearance.

Do you remember the nights we spent alone? The secrets I whispered in your ear (John 16:1-4)? You have done well, you have not hidden these things from those around you (Mark 4:21-23). But though you share them openly, it seems as if you have forgotten them yourself! Do you remember how I told you (that night with a full moon and bright stars in the sky) how I loved your humility and mercy to all? Now you seem to think highly of yourself and take more than give. Is it you, my bride, who opens your hand, receives from the poor and places the alm within your Pocket? Is it really you who takes that same alm and spends it to beautify your house?

Whom do you wish to imitate? Is it I? (John 14:12) I remember you telling me how you wished for nothing more than to be like me (Phil. 2:5). But now you seem more like the world around you. Did I come to you with riches?? Did I raise myself over you? Did I come with great wisdom and power? Remember who I am. Yes, I am great and powerful. I rule over a large kingdom (John 18:36). Yes I am wealthy--all the money you received comes from my hand and I have so much more wisdom than any other man can claim. But when you saw me, I was a beggar--without food, without clothing, without shelter (Lk. 9:58). I had no power to wield, no glory to claim. I had no scholars to write what I said and no one to make long commentaries on what I mean. I was a pauper, Helpless, a servant, prepared to slave myself away, not only for my bread but for you as well. (Matt. 20:26-28).

Who deceived you to follow your false ways? Who convinced you to save your vast wealth for yourself? (Luke 12:16-21) Who assured you that a position of honor is what I would have you seek? (Jer,. 9: 23-24) Who told you that your beauty would be enhanced with plump cheeks and rounded thighs? Who whispered in your ear that the poor are to be despised and avoided? (Luke 14: 12-14) How far you have strayed! Once your eyes burned bright with compassion. Once you lusted after my word and sat at my feet, listening (Luke 10: 38-42). After listening, you could not stay still, but went out into the streets looking for those you could help (Acts 3: 1-10).

Those you helped in those days are still there, waiting. Do you say that you don’t see them? (Prov. 24: 11,12) Open your eyes! Replace the darkness of your heart with the light of clarity! Look at the crippled beggar, hungry for a kind word. Look at the homeless man, without warmth through the icy winter. Look at the garbage underneath the bridge, carelessly cast there by those outcast from your mercy. Did you not see on your television the starving in Mexico City and Ethiopia? Didn’t you see war-ravaged Rwanda? Didn’t you hear about the million who live on the street in Calcutta? Once you would have wept for those, fasting and begging God to have mercy on them (Isa. 58: 6-7). I weep for them. I weep too, for your heart become stone.

Who are those you keep around you? Why do you allow them near your house? Not only do you invite them in, but you give them places of honor as they destroy all I told you. You cry out, “I have given them your word and they
study it diligently.” (Jer. 8: 8-12) Oh, yes, they study. They faithfully study to comfort you in your oppressive ways. Did I not tell that the poor rule in my kingdom? (Luke 6:20) Yet they tell you about how much good wealth will do for you. Did I not tell you that the humble will be chosen? (Matt 18: 2-4) They tell you to become powerful. Didn’t I say that my kingdom’s law is to give, without worrying about yourself, that I will care for you? (Luke 12: 22,33; Mt. 5:42) They tell you to be a “good steward” and to give the first part to yourself, and then to share a paltry bit with others.

They study so diligently, yes. They study to say, “He really didn’t mean that” Or they comment, “That doesn’t apply to you” So they comfort you. So they pat you on the back to assure you that your unrighteousness is good in my sight. They call themselves “scholars” but they clothe themselves in robes of the false prophets (Luke 6:26). They repeat again and again, “Thus saith the Lord,” when God has not spoken (Ezekiel 13: 6-7). They claim, “The desire of your king” when I do not know them. They stack up books in their homes and their offices. So when they speak, “Thus saith the Lord,” what do they speak of? their books, of course? None but few have sat at my table and listened to my speech. But all of them hear the words of their belly stronger than the word of God.

Beware men who speak only of comfort and doctrine when billions starve! Beware those who claim to know of life from their hidden tower! Beware of men who are praised by all! (Luke 6:26) Beware of men who secure for themselves good positions and salaries and court the false idols--Greed and Lust! Beware of men who never weep, but stand proudly in their positions! (Luke 18: 9-14) Beware of any who call themselves “teacher,” for that title belongs only to me, your Lord! (Mt. 23:10) For with such as these you have replaced my prophets.

My bride, return to your beauty! Cast aside those who dare not speak of my kingdom, nor listen to my words! “Do I not seek your face?” you cry. Oh, yes. When you deem it necessary to come before me and send me a message, you talk only of the needs of the affluent. This is no surprise since you surround yourself only with oppressors. You cry to me, “Bless me Lord.” “Give me guidance whether I should buy this new house or stay in the old one.” “Help Sue deal with her insecurity.” “Help Pastor Shore Preach a good sermon.” Have you forgotten my words again? I told you to pray for your daily bread. I told you to pray for God’s will to be done (Matt. 6: 9-13). I told you to look for my kingdom. I told you to seek out my righteousness (Matt. 6:33).

I told you to cry for me to come (Luke 18: 1-8). But you don’t want me to come. Do you hate me so, my bride? If I come now, where will you be found? With those whom I save from hateful oppressors of the poor? (Zechariah 14: 2-9) Or will you be of the unmerciful whom I cast out of my kingdom? (Matt. 25: 31-46) Do you want me to cast your wealth and possessions into the abyss? (II Pet. 3: 10-13) When I do will you be so chained to them that you will fall into it as well? Do you want me to come? Or would you rather that I stay away for while longer as you wallow in your comfort? Do you hate me so? Have you rejected me as fully as that?

My bride, pursue beauty. Pursue the joys you once showed me. Pursue Justice and mercy (Matt. 23: 23-24). Return to my word and live it daily. Be assured that when your beauty is restored, I will come back for you and take you to my home. When you show hospitality to the poor and surrender your wicked ways I will come to you with rejoicing!

Also be assured, if you return to your beauty, all your new friend will reject you (Matt. 5: 11-12; John 15:20). You can count on it. And when they surround you and cast stones at you and prepare to kill you--then I will come for you. I will cast them aside, destroy them with my right are, take you up with me to my home. And there we will live always.

But what if, my bride? What if you ignore my plea? (Acts 18:6) What if my cries were for nothing? What if bride remains a whore? Then, as much as I love you, I will cast you aside (Matt. 10: 14,15). I will number you with the oppressors. I need a bride, a bride of such radiant beauty that the world will stand in awe of her. I need a bride worthy to sit beside my throne. If you do not take up your fallen beauty, you cannot be my bride. I will look for another. Who? you ask. There are many who shine with the beauty you lack. Across the sea, in your own family. I will choose them if you will not be chosen.

Until that time, you will be tested. All the wealth I have sent you is all you will receive. There will be no more. Your friends will fall away one by one. Your counselors will be silent when you approach them. I do this not to punish you but to turn you back to me and to the ways I carefully taught you.

My bride, I love you with a love that cannot be written on parchment. Do not wait for me to come to you. Come to me. Renew your beauty and come to me.

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