Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A Conversation with God

Jeff Strong shares a conversation he had with the Lord in 1997:

This was time between times, between the Lord and myself.

There is a sense of change in the Air. A culmination of a great adventure in which the final chapter has come to and End.

Yes, what do you see my son?

I see the expectancy and to some degree the dread of mankind. It is expressed in the actions of daily life and the growing lack of Hope, and the loss of Joy.

True my son , but what I see, is that the Music of my people and in particular the young, their songs from their heart contain no Joy; neither in lyric or the instrumentation. It is dead and therefore has no strength. The Music of the Bride today, styles itself after the world, Melodic thrumming and drumming and wails and rants. These come from the Kingdom of Darkness.

Yes Lord, it seems your church has become seduced by the spirit of technology. I seem to remember your description of idols and it seems that we have now created one that Sees, Hears, and will soon Speak.

Heh, heh heh, so it would seem, but it is still only filled with their knowledge. ( he speaks with a grin)

The Pastors, (the Lord still speaking) and I use the term lightly, have strapped themselves with the ball and chains of Cellular phones and beepers and Laptops. Time must now be filled with recorded time to prove their time is well spent. Turning to me He says, do you remember the time when Time was a friend. He still is if you let Him be one, He says with a wink!
But the Pastors of this era have forgotten and therefore Time for them has become a task master. It is another deception that our adversary has fed my church and they have embraced it with open arms.......sighing No Peace no peace no peace............

Lord, I said, I myself, for now am not burden with such chains, and I really have no desires to be so. And with your help I can stay free.

He smiles and our time comes to and end!

10 22 97

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